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Every year, a lot more people spend the better part of a week in late December planning their lives for the next year, and this I do too, makes me human, isn’t it? As a life and brand coach and business owner it is only idle that I measure my successes as against my losses. Overall, this is the best decision I have made in terms of working towards multiple goals simultaneously.

The idea is to create a road map for the year ahead—not a rigid daily schedule, but an overall outline of what matters to me and what I hope to achieve in the next year, even though my faith teaches me to allow myself to live a day at a time. I complete this process in bits and pieces over several days, partly because of my piled brain activities but also because it helps to think about things slowly. Some of you who can concentrate on one thing for hours at a time may prefer to do it all at once.


In this blog post I will take you step-by-step through what I do every December to help plan the next year. I will show you the template I use and provide examples through each part of the process. You certainly don’t have to use my system, but you are welcome to it if you want.


By the way, the kind of goal setting I practice, and advocate is vastly different from:


Resolutions that aren't kept after January 10 are considered a failure. I don't make resolutions; instead, I establish plans of action based on my priorities.

Goals that are vague or non-measurable ("Be Happier," "Make More Money," etc.). We all desire to be happier and wealthier. Each goal must be measurable and specific as part of this approach. If you despise it, you'll have to live with it. You can always modify it later if something comes up. Isn't that your plan?


You shouldn't despise it because you're the one who created it.


Investing time in this activity is like conducting an annual review at work, but it is usually more productive and always more enjoyable. When done correctly, annual reviews at work usually focus on a mix of what you're doing well (affirmation) and what you can improve on (constructive criticism). Hopefully, you'll leave feeling energized about your future ambitions and determined to move on from any setbacks. Yes, I understand that things don't always go as planned at work, but the success of your personal Annual Review is entirely reliant on you.



The second part of December, when everything feels festive and special and you get a break from your typical daily routine, is the ideal time to reflect on everything you've learned, experienced, and accomplished during the previous year. A yearly review is also an excellent opportunity to practice mindfulness and conscious living. It's a way to slow down, reflect on your favorite moments, make sure you take the time to appreciate all the small and major things that have been a part of your life in the last year, and draw some conclusions about what makes you happy and what doesn't. If you are into setting goals and already have some ideas for new year’s resolutions or things you want to achieve in 2022, looking back at your past year will also help to ensure that your goals are truly in line with your priorities and values. If possible, try to do your yearly review at least a couple of days before you sit down to set your goals and resolutions for the new year.


Let everything sink in for a while. You will discover 40 questions in this blog post that you can use as prompts to reflect on various areas of your year. Write down your answers, or simply consider them through in your brain, or discuss them with a friend or significant other. The last ten questions will prompt you to consider 2022, but don't feel need to lay out your objectives completely just yet. Take notes on any early ideas for next year and use them as a starting point for a more in-depth goal-setting session later in the month. Before Christmas, I normally perform a yearly evaluation and then set out my goals for the coming year soon before the new year. I'm working on a piece about goal planning (from a minimalist's perspective), so check back after the 26th for that:)


YOUR 2021

1. What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about?

2. If you had to describe your 2021 in 3 words, what would they be?

3. What new things did you discover about yourself?

4. What single achievement are you most proud of?

5. What was the best news you received?

6. What was your favorite place that you visited in 2021?

7. Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?

8. Who was your number one go-to person that you could always rely on?

9. Which new skills did you learn?

10. What, or who, are you most thankful for?

11. If someone wrote a book about your life in 2021, what kind of genre would it be? A comedy, love story, drama, film noir or something else?

12. What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2021?

13. Which mental block(s) did you overcome?

14. What 5 people did you most enjoy spending time with?

15. What was your biggest break-through moment career-wise?

16. How did your relationship to your family evolve?

17. What book or movie affected your life in a profound way?

18. What was your favorite compliment that you received this year?

19. What little things did you most enjoy during your day-to-day life?

20. What cool things did you create this year?

21. What was your most common mental state this year (e.g., excited, curious, stressed)?

22. Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year?

23. What was your favorite moment spent with your friends?

24. What major goal did you lay the foundations for?

25. Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary?

26. What experience would you love to do all over again?

27. What was the best gift you received?

28. How did your overall outlook on life evolve?

29. What was the biggest problem you solved?

30. What was the funniest moment of your year, one that still makes it hard not to burst out laughing when you think about it?

31. What purchase turned out to be the best decision ever?

32. What one thing would you do differently and why?

33. What do you deserve a pat on the back for?

34. What activities made you lose track of time?

35. What did you think about more than anything else?

36. What topics did you most enjoy learning about?

37. What new habits did you cultivate?

38. What advice would you give your early-2021 self if you could?

39. Did any parts of yourself or your life do a complete 360 this year?

40. What or who had the biggest positive impact on your life this year?


It is my wish that these listed questions help just as much as it does for me, and others recommended to during my coaching sessions with them. Now to the most exciting part of this review, the next year’s plan GO subscribe to any of my coaching packages and get a free brand planning journal click the link below





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