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Some of us believe that our imperfections and difficulties are a part of our identity. It's possible that we're cruel, but that's who we are. It's not something we can change about ourselves; it's part of who we are. We and others can be affected by this mindset. It may be more challenging to modify some areas of our character yet it is possible to constantly enhance our character and become better than we were yesterday.


Many things are within our power to influence. We can learn to be more stoic and peaceful. With practice, we can become more resilient and strong. Kindness and goodness can be cultivated in our hearts and minds. Change is only possible if you put up the effort to make it happen on a regular basis. We may try to appear better than we really are in order to appear more confident. We may put on a show in order to make others believe that we are talented. However, this is of no benefit to us. The shallow end of the pool is our default setting when we're acting out a role.


One of the most gratifying and productive things we can do for ourselves is make that adjustment, though. It is a life-changing event to learn how to do good and be better thoughtfully, with knowledge and choice in what we do. It has the potential to open our eyes to new facets of our personalities and help us reach our greatest potential. Changing who you are is an on-going process. I believe there is no limit to how much you can learn and grow. It's entirely up to you. Every element of your life benefits when you work on improving your character.


Your self-esteem, relationships, work, and so much more can all be boosted by using it. It's one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself to make a commitment to improving on yesterday's performance. Make an effort to do better today than you did yesterday. Try to improve. The results will surprise you.

"Who will improve if you don't?"


Coversationalist Listening Ear Consult



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