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Relationships are critical to our happiness. Having good, strong bonds allows us to be happy, and studies show that loneliness is just as bad for our physical and emotional health as smoking. Toxic relationships, on the other hand, can be just as harmful as being alone, causing health issues. A healthy relationship is wonderful, but how can you tell if yours is?


Here are seven tell-tale signs.

1. You are on the same level. You both stand on equal ground in a healthy relationship.

You both share the relationship's responsibilities and duties, and you both have equal weight in your opinions. Equality does not always imply a 50-50 split of all things. It means that both partners give and take in a way that is comfortable for them, and that both of them are equally important, without elevating one partner above the other.


2. You are not required to act. You are free to be yourself in a healthy relationship.

To be accepted, you do not need to pretend or change who you are. Instead, you can express your true feelings and thoughts without fear of being rejected. A healthy relationship is one that goes deep and allows you to peel back any protective layers from your true self.


3. You have the right to refuse. Respect for one's boundaries is essential in a healthy relationship.

In a toxic relationship, your partner may frequently push you to do things you don't want to do and disregard your refusals. A partner who respects you respects your boundaries and lets you say no without pressuring you to do things you don't want to do. Setting your own boundaries while respecting those of your partner is essential for defining a healthy relationship.


4. You are concerned about each other's emotions.

A good relationship requires sensitivity and concern for how the other person is feeling. There is constant discussion about each person's experiences and emotions, and there is always an openness to changing something that isn't working. It is a good sign when your feelings are validated and acknowledged.


5. You have a more positive attitude A healthy relationship is likely to have ups and downs, as well as conflicts.

This is perfectly normal. A good relationship, on the other hand, is likely to elicit more positive emotions than negative ones. Most of the time, you should feel safe and comforted with your partner, rather than anxious, sad, or angry. Unhealthy relationships may have happy moments, but they frequently create a situation in which you feel mostly bad when you are with your partner.



6. Your mistakes are accepted.

Everyone makes mistakes now and then. This will be understood and acknowledged in a healthy relationship. Your errors will be forgiven and accepted, which means they will not be thrown back in your face or brought up in other situations. Simultaneously, your partner will be free to make mistakes and apologize for them. In a toxic relationship, a mistake may be unforgivable, and it will be a recurring source of conflict in the future. You can let go and move on in a healthy relationship.


7. You may be vulnerable.

While some people associate vulnerability with weakness, in reality, vulnerability is essential in any close relationship. When we allow ourselves to drop our defenses and connect with the other person, we are truly forming a deep bond. When we are vulnerable, we can share and reveal our true selves. In a healthy relationship, you are comfortable with vulnerability and allow yourself to relax, knowing that you are in a safe space to be yourself. A healthy relationship is not entirely free of conflict or issues, but it is defined by how these issues are handled and how things are most of the time. Two partners who can communicate with one another and reveal their true feelings, and by being willing to commit and work through problems together, and displaying vulnerability, you can build a healthy relationship, which is an extremely valuable relationship to have.


"A great relationship happens not because of the love you had at the start, but because of how well you continue to build love until the end."



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