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Boost your Self Esteem

Boost your Self Esteem

Keep your commitments to yourself.

If you consistently let someone down and failed to keep your promises, they are likely to have a negative opinion of you. The same can be said for your relationship with yourself. Make certain that you keep your promises to yourself. If you promise yourself a fun outing, make it happen. Do what you say you will do if you promise to stick to your values. There are some things that you should never, ever compromise on. For example, you could make a commitment to yourself to spend more time with your family and to take more breaks. Even if work wants you to be there more, it may be time to say no and focus on what is important to you. Keep your promises and be loyal to yourself.

Be aware of your value.

Make a list of all of your achievements. What accomplishments can you point to? Writing things down, according to research, causes us to process them differently and more deeply. Make a list of everything you've accomplished and refer to it whenever you need a pick-me-up. Also, this list should not be static. You can keep adding to it until you feel you've accomplished something. Even better, try journaling a few times per week and writing down anything that made you feel especially proud, happy, thankful, and so on. Don't be afraid to lavish yourself with compliments; instead, concentrate on the things that have truly meant the most to you.


Expecting perfection is unrealistic.

Perfection is a figment of one's imagination. There is always room for improvement or improvement. That is completely normal. It's all right. Don't let the concept of perfection cloud your perception of who you are and what you do. Accept that you are perfect exactly as you are because you are you, regardless of your body or situation. We frequently allow social media and media in general to instill a false perfect ideal in our minds – how to look, how to be, and what to achieve. Let go of this notion by acknowledging how implausible it is, as not even media celebrities appear to have the ideal life.

Establish firm limits. Establish reasonable limits.

Allowing others to trample on your boundaries lowers your self-esteem, whereas asserting them can help you. When you recognize your own worth, you respect and clearly define your own boundaries. Assert your self-worth and request that others do the same. For example, whether you drink or not, whether you allow yourself to say no, and whether you take time off are all boundaries that matter to you and that you have the right to set and defend. Nobody should cross these lines without raising an eyebrow or reacting in any way.

Make no attempt to obtain approval.

Increasing your self-esteem entails allowing yourself to be the final arbiter of your choices and abilities. You don't delegate so much power to others that they can make or evaluate your decisions. Allow yourself to be the ultimate judge instead. This isn't to say you shouldn't seek advice from others, but it does mean that their approval or disapproval should not be your sole guide in making or not making decisions. If others disagree, but you are confident in your decision, you can go ahead with it, boosting your self-esteem.

Take note of the positives.

We have a tendency to overestimate our flaws and deficiencies. Our errors are usually obvious and distinct. Keeping our focus on the positives can help us improve our self-esteem. Consider the positive and negative aspects of yourself, your choices, and your situation. Recognize what you did correctly and what you did incorrectly. This can be difficult at times because we are so accustomed to focusing on the negatives, but you can practice gratitude by seeking out things for which you are grateful, and self-compassion by attempting to recognize everything you are doing right. When you see it, write it down, and return to the list when you're feeling down. Increasing your self-esteem is likely to improve many aspects of your life. Find out what works best for you and be proud of who you are.



  1. author

    Too much lies destroy everything but self belief is the key to a positive life ????????????????

  2. author

    You've treated a very sensitive matter. Our happiness is based on our self esteem. It's up to us to try and bring the best out of ourselves. Thanks sis. Keep it up. GOD bless you.

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