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We are all capable of reaching rock bottom. It's a horrible feeling. All we can see is darkness, and we are filled with a sense of hopelessness because it appears as though nothing will ever change. This is a trick of the light. No matter how horrible things appear to be right now, they will not continue in this state indefinitely.


Everything that you are experiencing right now is a blip on the screen. It will pass, and you will be there to witness it. It is not true that everything in your life is equally horrible or equally gloomy because one aspect of it is particularly difficult at the moment. Make an effort to remind yourself of all the positive aspects of your life. Who are the people who are in your immediate vicinity, and who are the people who are the most significant in your life? What are the things in your life that are the most important to you? What are some of the positive aspects of your life? Concentrate on the large and tiny things in life, the simple pleasures of life, and the relationships that may keep you afloat even in the most difficult of circumstances. Make an effort to see things from a perspective that emphasizes the big picture. In a year's time, how will you look back on this situation? In five years, what will be the case? In ten minutes?

When you realize that the situation is not as severe as it appears or feels at the moment, even though it appears to be all-encompassing, it can help you realize that you are not alone. Keep in mind that these feelings will subside. We may feel overwhelmed by emotions such as loss, fear, rage, or sadness, but these feelings will subside and dissipate over time. They will not stay forever, and you will soon notice a difference in your mood. Because nothing that happens to us is ever permanent, there is always reason to be hopeful. It doesn't matter whether we go through a long-term transformation or transition; our feelings about it will change. Even if something appears to be unmanageable at the outset, we will adapt and discover solutions to manage the situation. Keep in mind that darkness, even the most intense darkness, cannot and will not exist indefinitely. Your goal is to be as strong as possible until things improve, which they will.


Even if you can't find a reason to be optimistic, there is always a reason. Despite the fact that you may not be able to see it, it exists. Maintain an eye on the broad picture, on the time that will pass and affect your emotions, and on anything else that can provide you with reason to be hopeful.

Every now and again, there is a chance that things will turn around for the better. It is important not to give up just because things appear to be dark at the moment, because nothing lasts forever.


Conversationalist Listening Ear Consult



  1. author

    Very inspiring message. Thanks for sharing dear

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