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There are people you know who respond and react to situations in a manner you would describe as extreme and there are others you can’t help but agree with. This is because every human comes with a temperament and we are able to identify with some of them because we bear the same temperament and vice versa. There are four main temperaments and the characteristics a person exhibits determines which of the temperaments they fall under. It is worthy to mention that it is possible for an individual to identify with all four temperaments, however, the dominant one is what is classified as their temperament.

Let’s see what these temperaments are;



It refers to the most energetic and bubbly of all the temperament types. They’re mostly termed as loud people. They’re outgoing and mostly friendly. They mostly see the bright side of life, and they like to live life to the fullest. They are excellent at communication and can get the point across in a way that many other people cannot. However, they do not have a long attention span and quite easily forget stuff. They are also disorganized because they barely focus long on one activity.



 They are almost the opposite of sanguines. They are more introverted, easy-going, calm, and unemotional and do not easily make friends but will team up with others if necessary to get work done. They take a while to make decisions and sometimes will not mind others taking decisions for them. They are not ambitious and they resist change. They need quite a bit of time and patience to adapt to change. They are also very loyal friends and will stay in a relationship for a long time no matter what happens: but should they decide they have had enough, nothing can break their resolve to walk away.



The choleric is goal and truly driven. They are forceful and determined. They are independent and strong willed as well as confident and sometimes get mistaken for being bossy. They are more practical than emotional and it sometimes comes across as being rude. They are always on the move, jumping from one project to another and never run out of ways or ideas to progress. They are quite outgoing and sociable when it comes to rallying for a cause but will barely make a lot of friends. They’d rather have a few friends and focus on the work aspect of their lives.



Melancholics are an interesting group of people. They are mostly mistaken as depressed whereas it’s common for them to be extremely cautious in any endeavour. Not having a plan or rule book to live by can trigger anxiety for them. They are factual, logical, and analytical. They pay attention to the very last detail and live strictly by the book. This gives them a sense of a detail oriented and quality life. They are very principled, well organized and punctual in almost every given situation. They make wise decisions because of their trait to pay attention to every detail. They have high standards for their relationship and do not befriend just anyone. In conclusion, people are different as seen from the character traits above. Understanding how these temperaments show gives one a perspective on how to relate with others without feeling extremely compromised. Take time to observe yourself as well as the people around you and identify the best way possible to live with them.



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